With the General Assembly we will be closing the year 2024. At the General Assembly we will review the year, and prepare the new season together with our member countries.
The official inviation was sent in time to our members. All relevant documents are also available in our “document library” in tab “General Assembly” for those who are interested in following the action closer. This also includes a call for candidates for the following positions:
- Board Members (2)
The BoD consists of normally seven (7) board members. The organization is currently running by five members, and therefore we are looking for enthusiastic people who are interested in advancement of the organized disc golf in Europe, particularly those identified with the general vision of EDGF as the organization representing national disc golf governing bodies in individual European countries.
Please apply with a short info about yourself, your experience in the field of international Disc
Golf and the motivation why you want to help the EDFG growing. Contact us by mail to: info@discgolffederation.eu
Lost the details of the upcoming General Assembly online meeting? Here are the login details (for official delegates only):
Tuesday, December 10 · 7:00 – 09:00pm
Time zone: Europe/Zurich
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/aqe-vsra-pip
Or dial: (CH) +41 31 560 24 00 PIN: 645 331 295 2472#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/aqe-vsra-pip?pin=6453312952472