The World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) serves as the international governing body of all flying disc sports with responsibility for sanctioning world championship and other international flying disc events, establishing uniform rules, and setting standards for and recording of world records.
It acts
WFDF is made up of the National Associations (“Members”) that govern their respective disc sports. There are currently 46 Regular and 9 Provisional Members, representing athletes in more than 56 countries. These Members guide the administration of WFDF through a Board of Directors and an Executive Director. WFDF is recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), a member of ARISF, SportAccord and the International World Games Association, and it is a signatory of the World Anti-Doping Association code.
Source: WFDF Website. Published on our website with kind permission of WFDF.
For more information please visit the WFDF Website.
World Flying Disc Federation
5825 Delmonico Drive, Suite 370
Colorado Springs, CO 80919 USA
Administrative Office
Enggasse 2a, D – 55296
Harxheim, Germany
Administrative Contact
Events Contact