The European Disc Golf Federation “EDGF” is the international sports federation responsible for the European governance of the sport Disc Golf.

The European Disc Golf Federation was founded during the European Disc Golf Championships 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland with the aim to create an office body for the European Championships, but also to represent the member countries towards EFDF, WFDF and other European and International institutions. Meanwhile the federation has 29 members and holds contacts to all European countries. EDGF is recognized by the European Flying Disc Federation “EFDF” and the Word Flying Disc Federation “WFDF”, and upholds the “Rules of Play” as well as the competition standards from the Professional Disc Golf Association “PDGA”.

EDGF is a non-profit association governed by the present statutes and, secondarily, by Articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code. As the European governing body for the sport of Disc Golf, EDGF has the responsibility for sanctioning the European Championships “EDGC”, the European Junior Championships “EJDGC” and the European Masters Championships “EMDGC”, as well as other forms of continental championships. It acts

  • to promote sport of disc golf and to achieve general acceptance of disc golf play as a sport;
  • to encourage disc golf play throughout Europe and promote the establishment of national disc golf governing bodies in all European countries, advising them on all activities and general management;
  • To provide a forum for discussion on all aspects of disc golf play in Europe and to arbitrate between interests when and where conflicts may arise.

Further documents you can find in our document library HERE